We are honored to be under the guidance of 9th Degree Senior Elder Master Sharon H. Soard and David N. Soard. They have studied the art of Shao-Lin Kung Fu for over 45 years. They created and founded the first Chinese Shao-Lin Center in 1979 in Denver, Colorado.
The Senior Elder Masters' created, edited and published the Chinese Shao-Lin Center Training Manual in 1989 and were the 1st U.S. Shao-Lin instructors to be hosted in China by the Hunan Martial Arts Association.
In 1987, they traveled throughout China to plan the first Shao-Lin organization student trip to the Orient and were honored by an invitation in 1989 to have a tablet erected at the Shao-Lin Temple. The ceremony was held at the Honan Temple in 1992. In 2000, they were honored with the first stone tablet to be erected at the newly rebuilt Fukien Shao-Lin Temple.
The Senior Elder Masters' continue to visit and study historic sites of martial arts interest throughout the world. The 2007 China Trip marked the 20th year of the Senior Elder Masters continued friendship with their "old friends" and martial masters in China! Their next student trip to China is scheduled for 2023. They organize and teach Instructor Training Seminars for the Chinese Shao-Lin Centers throughout the United States and Spain. They have taught thousands of students and we are very grateful for their dedication to preserving this precious art.
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