The Chinese Shaolin Center of South Salt Lake is dedicated to keeping the traditional martial arts and disciplines of the Shaolin Temple. This centuries old art, it's exercises, and disciplines are suitable for practitioners of all fitness levels. Regular Classes are structured for Adults and are learner paced with advancement based on skill and comprehension. Our Kids Kung Fu Classes provide a safe environment for children to learn the same high level skills at a slower more controlled pace. What you will learn here is the best and most traditional kung fu, tai chi and self defense used by Shaolin monks for the last 1500 years.
Special Offer! Try a Free Class! Get Started! External Martial Arts (Kung Fu) Tai Chi Class Internal/Meditation Wooden Man Class Class Times (More Classes!) Kids Program (New!)
Why Shao-Lin?
Even though the Shaolin martial arts are lethal, self-defense is only a tiny portion of the art's many benefits. A few benefits of kung fu include increased stamina, endurance and lung capacity, increased bone density, a stronger memory, a stronger immune system, lower emotional stress and blood pressure, just to name a few. These benefits and more are easily acquired through "time and effort" or "Kung Fu." Shaolin Monks strived for longevity and sought immortality. In doing so, they pushed the limits of human potential. Many monks found themselves living healthy and able, still out performing the younger monks, even until the day they passed away! We strive to make class enjoyable and enriching. Have fun and stay fit and healthy at the same time.
a 1500 year old martial art developed by the monks at the Honan Shaolin Temple for health, mental and physical conditioning and self-defense. The curriculum encompasses empty hand, animal and classical weapon styles. Internal areas include; Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, breathing and meditation... read more on the History of Shaolin and the origin of Asian Martial Arts.
is the only Utah martial arts school in the state that is certified to teach the traditional Shaolin art by the Shaolin Senior Elder Masters. The South Salt Lake City, Utah school is part of a network of 8 locations that span across the United States and reach as far as the country of Spain! For a list of Shaolin Centers near you see our Schools page.
The Chinese Shaolin Center of South Salt Lake is the largest Shaolin school in all of Utah. This Center teaches the REAL Kung Fu forms from the Shaolin Temples of ancient China! We teach the true self-defense and practical fighting application of every form and pressure test through sparring everyday. The South Salt Lake, Utah Center is also visited annually by the Shaolin Senior Elder Masters. What you will find here is authentic, effective, and essential for longevity, health, and martial arts. There is no equivalent. What you will embark upon, can be the most rewarding and exciting venture of your life! For more details on how our Shaolin martial arts training will improve your health, fitness levels, balance, coordination, and self-defense skills, please browse our curriculum Kung Fu (External Martial Arts), Tai Chi (Meditation in Motion), Advanced Internal Martial Arts (Qigong/Meditation Training) and Wooden Man (Iron Monk Training). Find a complete list of our very affordable prices here.
Come by and join classes today!! No Appointments Necessary.
Renew Your Energy This Spring Break at the Chinese Shaolin Center
Spring is a time of renewal—why not refresh your mind and body with the practice of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong? Whether you’re taking a break from school or just looking for a reset, our training will help you build focus, discipline, and strength to navigate life with confidence.
Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you’ll develop balance, resilience, and mental clarity, all while improving your overall well-being. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and step into the new season with renewed energy and purpose.
Make the most of your Spring Break—start your journey at the Chinese Shaolin Center today!
If you are a current Shaolin student and you have an active membership, you are welcome to join us to train from home.
Join all groups of your level and below Facebook School Page
School Page
Tai Chi
White Belts
Yellow Belts
Blue Belts
Green Belts
Brown Belts
Black Belts
Chie Ch'ien "Connecting Fist"Pai Hao Ch'uan Tse - "White Crane Circles The Wings"
Pai Hao Huan Tse - "White Crane Flips The Wings"Pai Hao Huan Ch'iao - "White Crane Flips The Legs"Ching Kang Fu Hu Ch'ien - "Tiger Descends The Golden Mountain"Hai Lung Ch'ang - "Sea Dragon's Cane"Se Mien Pa Fang Kuen - "4 Faces 8 Directions Single End Staff"Kwan Kung Tao - "General Kwan Kung Long Handled Broadsword"Yeh Ch'an Pa Fang Tao - "8 Directions Night Battle Broadsword"Lou T'ien - "Descend From Heaven"
Ch'an Ie - "Spreading of the Feathers"Yen He - "Performing Swallow"Lien Wu Chang - "Five Directions Palm"T'ie Ch'a - "Iron Ruler"
Endurance Punch & Kick Class - Required for Advancement
One Step Training/Chin NaHei He' Shou Chao - “Black Crane Defends the Nest”Advanced Sparring - Gloves & Headgear Required
Northern Tan Tui - Lohan Short FormsTai Chi/PaKua Blindfold PushHands w Applications / Chin Na / Northern Tan TuiChiang Hsu Lian Hsi - “Practice of the Spear Fighting Techniques” (Shao-Lin Northern Spear)Luo Chia Chiang - “Luo Family Spear” (Shao-Lin Northern Spear)Pan Loong Pang - “Entwine the Dragon Staff”Tien Ta Suang Hu Tou Gou - “Double Tiger Hook Swords Shake the Heavens”Tang Lang Chien - “Advanced Mantis form with Ground Fighting Techniques”Classical Pa Kua Chang - “Taoist 8 Changes of the Palm” Sections 1-4 w/ ApplicationsClassical Pa Kua Chang - “Taoist 8 Changes of the Palm” Sections 5-7 w/ ApplicationsClassical Pa Kua Chang - “8 Changes of the Palm” Sections 1-8 Full/Half Sections w/ ApplicationsSwoop Down Swallow Dagger - Original Shaolin Temple Dagger Form
Endurance Punch & Kick Class - Required for AdvancementPa Huang Chien - “8 Directional Sword”Advanced Glove Sparring (gloves/head gear required!)
Ie Pu Tui Ta & Ie Pu Fa Shu - “1-Step Sparring Skills” (Evasive Footwork)Northern Tan Tui - “Shao-Lin Long Fist/Springy Legs” LoHans 1-30 w/ ApplicationsMei Hua Chiang - “Plum Blossom Spear”Yang Chia Chiang - “Classical Yang Family Spear”Se Mien Pa Fang Suang Tao - “Double BroadSwords”T’ien Ta Shu Hu T’ao Kou - “Double Tiger Hook Swords Shake the Heavens”Shantung Hei Hu Tao Hsin - “Shantung Black Tiger Yanks Out The Heart”Shantung Hei Hu Chuan Sen - “Shantung Black Tiger Turns its Body”Shantung Hei Hu Huan Sen - “Shantung Black Tiger Flips It’s Body”Shantung Hei Hu Shou Shang - “Shantung Black Tiger Wounded”
"Snap, Power & Focus"
Tuesday, March 18th, (7:30pm - 10pm)
OPEN To: White Belts & Above
Signup now!
"Advanced flexible weapon training"
Saturdays, Starting April 5th, (9am - 10am) for 3 weeks!
OPEN To: Brown Belts & Above
Signup now!
"Meditation & Breathing Techniques"
Saturdays, Starting April 5th, (11am - 12noon) for 3 weeks!
OPEN To: White Belts & Above
Signup now!
"Ancient Double Tonfa Form & Training"
Thursday, April 17th, (7:30pm - 9:30pm)
OPEN To: White Belts & Above
Signup now!
Saturday, March 29th:
Test/Pretest (9am - 1pm)
Festival (2pm-6pm)
OPEN To: White Belts & Above
Double Dagger Snake Pa Kua
Saturday, April 26th:
Test/Pretest (9am - 12pm)
Festival (12pm-6pm)
OPEN To: White Belts & Above
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